Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 7-8, 117-122

Open Access Article

Special features of the internet entrepreneurship sector

Orlenko Olha
Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Economics and Business Organization, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : orlenko20022015@gmail.com, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8814-4476

Makas Sergiy
student of the Faculty of Economics and Enterprise Management, Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine e-mail: : makassergeyolegovich@gmail.com, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2295-05ІХ

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Orlenko O., Makas S. Special features of the internet entrepreneurship sector. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 7-8 (284-285). pp. 117-122.


Introduction. The Internet in the modern world, and in the economy in particular, is constantly opening new directions and expanding existing ones. The process of transformation of the Internet in accordance with the needs of the economy and society is constantly taking place, and in turn, the approaches to doing business by business entities under the influence of Internet technologies are changing. This requires meticulous attention and study of these transformations. The paper presents the basic principles of business organization of the Internet, due to the special environment in which Internet companies operate. Purpose. Purpose of the article is to analyze the particular qualities of Internet companies development in Ukraine and to identify the most innovative promising areas. Results. Based on theoretical generalizations, the article identifies two main approaches to economic regulation - positive and normative. Based on the achievements of modern theories of regulation, the need and goals of regulation of the banking sector of the economy are formulated: at the microlevel - is the protection of consumer rights through social networks; at the macrolevel - support for Internet companies. Scientific novelty. The article develops conceptual approaches to the regulation of Internet business. The goal of the work. The main purpose of the work is to analyze the Internet from an economic point of view, to study its role in the economy and entrepreneurship, as well as to study the distinctive features of management in Internet entrepreneurship and it spositive differences from traditional business.


Internet entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship, information economy, Internet company, online store, business.

JEL classification: L260 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-7-8-284-285-117-122

УДК: 334.722:004.738.5

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