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Open Access Symbols and signs in the minds of consumers: from tamga of ancient turkic people to modern brandsBorbasova Zijada, Ulakov Sairan, Ossik Yuriy Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 5-23 JEL classification:М300 |
Open Access Directions of perfection of the financial policy in terms of structural reformsDobroskok Stefaniia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 23-34 JEL classification:G320 |
Open Access Management systems semistructured: cognitive approachKarnaukhova Anna, Saiensus Marіia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 34-46 JEL classification:P400 |
Open Access Ways of improving the mechanism of working management of capital enterprises of UkraineKostenko Anastasia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 46-57 JEL classification:M410 |
Open Access Determination of health institutions competitiveness factors in conditions of innovationLitvinov Oleksandr Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 58-69 JEL classification:I190; O330 |
Open Access The role of image in creating the competitive advantages of predpriyatieNikiforenko Valeri, Kravchenko Vera Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 69-83 JEL classification:M310 |
Open Access Client-oriented behavior: to personified confidence through collaborative filteringOssik Yuri, Gelmanova Zoya, Prokopenko Olga Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 84-106 JEL classification:D110 |
Open Access Fiscal gap between the income and expenses on performance of the delegated powers by local government bodies in UkraineProtsenko Yulia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 107-117 JEL classification:H720 |
Open Access Tourism and hospitality industry in the context of postmodernSergienko Lyudmila, Hrymalyuk Andrey Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 117-132 JEL classification:L830 |
Open Access Scientific approaches to classification of income from individualsSlatvinskaya Marina, Dibrova Elena Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 132-144 JEL classification:H200 |
Open Access Decentralization of power as a factor of strengthening independence region and providing their self-sufficiencySiuta Sviatoslav Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 145-156 JEL classification:R580 |
Open Access Specific features and condition of ukrainian commodity marketShcherbak Vitalii, Didur Yuliia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, № 4, pp. 156-172 JEL classification:D400 |